Love Reins RAnch Wolf Creek

As of June 2024 the focus at Love Reins Ranch Wolf Creek has been to regather, refresh, renew and refurbish and relaunch. This page will soon have a focus on camp registration and new vision, but for now we will keep you updated with news and photos. We are excited about what is happening and how the pieces are coming together. The progress could not be accomplished without the amazing help of volunteers and community.
June 21, 2024 we held a regather event for the locals in Saskatchewan. A very exciting evening as new vision was shared. Mark you calendar for June 2025 as we plan a relaunch of camp ministry and 40 years of operation.
To date the work that has been completed has included big items and small tasks. All are appreciated.
- the coal burner to heat the lodge needs final testing but has seen major improvements
- the painting, staining and restoration of the facade is well under way. New photos coming soon.
-bathrooms at the wagon sites are seeing a makeover
- supplies on shelves and closets are growing
- to date a number of items have been donated such as: clothes washer, air compressor, kitchen supplies, dishes, electric piano, dodge truck, some tools, clothes dryer, horse and horse trailer, tin for the roof and the list continues to grow.
- wagons are currently being restored, repainted and and refreshed.
- major projects still to be accomplished include property subdivision legal docs, water treatment, and water well.
Major needs at this time include: prayer, web-designer, volunteer administrator for small projects, maintenance tools, ride on lawn mower, metal shelving for walk-in fridge and freezer.
If you can assist with any of the above or would just like to be in touch for moral support please call Norm or Joanne. We would love to hear from you.